This term is used; when referring to a new culture, foreknowledge is being taught. This tends to occur, mainly, if you are living in a new country that has got different convictions of the life, whether or not, you are visiting or living in the new place. Acculturation is said most of the cases; as if, we adopt and adapt to a second surrounding without forgetting or abandoning our native root. Acculturation directly refers to the constant prominence, participation, interconnectedness of members of particular cultures immersed in it; therefore, there are permanence and cultural background. People reveal protectionism towards new attitudes in current affairs. The behavioural changes and cultural identity are reflected on agreement and efficiency from the whole community. To summarise, This acculturating process is dependent on the quickness that people use to negotiate in a foreign land and not to be discriminated by proper residents. Not only, the autonomous social thinking has importance; upmarket or downmarket properties from the area will make you belong to a reasonable status, people will behave according to view of the culture.


1. Do not leave the native cultural identity.
2. Continue to self-identify with your home country or native land.
3. Enjoy the new culture and know it well, but yours first.
4. Cultural background influences our expectations at an unconcious level.
5. Be cognizant of all the elements that the new culture needs.
 6. Be aware of judgements that are off of the real context.
7. Our predictions are not necessarily the best in new places because of our previous background of our fatherland can be wrong.


Sometimes, when students make mistakes, they do not comprehend why this occurs. Just because they are in front of the situation that when living in a foreign country, they are not corrected straightaway. This is a matther that for most that are settled at any place outside their fatherland are exposed. Commonly, in English Speaking Countries, learners are wrong in sense, but Natives do not vision that circunstance ramdonly. This is what makes teachers be worried about the future of thier language learners. In front of speaking time, there must be more chances to be corrected in a appropriate moment. Except that, who cares about when you do not belong to that region? Really hard, isn´t is? So, what is the best piece of advice that a learner could recieve? I just tell you do not be afraid of making mistakes, but practice makes you perfect. However, the best teachers do not necessarily have to be from native regions, the best teacher is yourself making a commitment with your current expectations about what is also available in the language, but using common sense and well-built knowledge.