This is a material given with the purpose of supplying information about Generative Grammar as a focus that is actually taught everywhere. This content was recommended by the Department of Modern Languages at the University of Carabobo, the subject´s name is Pedagogical Grammar and there were lots of presentations about the most favourite focusses commonly studied in Adult Education. The presenters´ names: Reina., Anyerlin &  Becerrit., Eduardo. We all hope you read it carefully and make most of it.



All of the overgeneralised beliefs that give us bases conceptualised that look for (making sense) outside of what is going on around everyone, People aren´t having no influence on personal feelings or opinions. Where and when others are concerned. This is what makes sterotypes tough to overcome. Even when we ought to give an explanation about any proof or evidence that those who think of that way are wrong.

Sterotypes are going to continue existing, only because these are established and rooted as part of the culture and being part of those secrets, myths and truths in our everyday life. These tend to supply reasons for harmful and prejudicial thoughts.